Latihan Tes ujian Reading Toeic dan Toefl PART 2

Sebuah contoh melatih cara berfikir dalam mengerjakan soal latihan. hal ini berdasarkan kumpulan tes-tes online reading yang di satukan. Memudahkan dalam mengingat soal-soal yang banyak di ujikan dalam tes yang sering terjadi.

Tips mengerjakan ujian reading toeic dan toefl

  • baca secara keseluruhan soal yang ada dan pahami seluruh isinya berguna untuk mempercepat waktu dalam memjawab
  • jangan fokus hanya satu kata saja tapi pahami semuanya berguna agar terhindar dari membuang waktu dalam memahami soal reading.
  • selalu memperhatikan waktu di setiap menjawab soal berguna agar anda dapat menentukan seberapa banyak anda menghabiskan waktu dalam menjawab soal tersebut.

Welcome to your Latihan Ujian Toeic dan Toefl 4

Name Email

Pertanyaan 41-43 mengacu pada laporan berikut

In the spring of 1994, Holiday Arboreal Farm transplanted 10.000 two-year-old seedlings for Christmas tree production. Of these, 50% were balsam Fir, 35% Douglas fir, and 15% were White Pine and Blue Spruce. The Balsam and Douglas fir would be in the five to six foot range by the sixth growing season after transplanting, with the Balsam having a tendency to reach as high as eight feet, thus making them available to market that year. The White Pine and Spruce would be in the same five to six foot range in the eight growing year after transplanting. The Balsam and Douglas fir would be wholesaled for $15.00 and the White Pine and Spruce for $8.00. Any trees not sold in these year could be sold the following years with an increase in size of ten to twelve inches, allowing a price increase of $3.50 per foot.

  1. What is the topic of the report?

42.   What affects the price ?

43.  What is the purpose of the report?

Pertanyaan 44-46 mengacu pada pemberitahuan berikut.

Airtime Technologies, Inc., of Southampton, England, has supplied more than four hundred paging systems to fourteen Chinese province since 1989. For instance, it won a 4.5 million dollar contract from the Broadcasting Administrative Committee of the Biendong Province in May. The company’s foreign sales are not confined to Asia. It is making healthy inroads to Latin America. In Trinidad and Guyana, an 8 million dollar deal was struck with Allpage, the largest private paging provider in the area. Airtime services its South American customers through its branch offices in Brazil, Mexico and Texas. While the company is blossoming in developing countries, it is also still doing a lot of work in developed countries such as Canada, where there is a joint venture underway. Distributors and marketing personnel are being sought to develop the above-mentioned areas as well as the entire Indonesian region.

  1. Where is Airtime Technologies based?

INFO BARU :  Cara memindahkan domain blog hosting full approve adsense

45.   What does Airtime do in its Mexican office?

46.  Who is Airtime Technologies looking for?

Pertanyaan 47-49 mengacu pada berita berikut.

The bus service between the City Center Subway and the Fairfield County Government Center is being expanded to give residents from Huntsville and Lawton easier access to public hearings and other evening events at the government complex. By June 10th, Fairfield connector buses will make sic additional round trips between the two stops – four in the middle of the day and two at night. The buses now run only during morning and evening rush hour.

  1. Where are the people being bused to?

48.  How many extra trips will Fairfield connector buses make during the day?

49.  When do the connector buses normally run?

Pertanyaan 50-52 mengacu pada iklan baris berikut.


The Philippines’ equipment rental leader has an immediate opening for a branch administrative assistant at its newest location in Tarlac. Job duties include accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank deposits, office management and general office. Manila Rentals offers a competitive wage, comprehensive benefits package, and 401K, as well as the most lucrative and unique profit sharing plan in the industry.

Manila Rentals uses only the highest quality equipment and glass and dining ware. We have also been rated Number One three years in a row by Consumer Watch Magazine. Qualified candidates should have a minimum of two years of experience in a similar environment. Good interpersonal and organizational skills a must.

  1. How is Manila Rentals different from others in the industry?

INFO BARU :  Latihan ujian Reading IELTS online part 1

51.   What skills are not listed in the ad?

52.  Who would be most interested in this ad?

Pertanyaan 53-56 mengacu pada surat berikut

Citizen Action Coalition

76 Ansolm Street

Cork, Ireland

March 21, 2000

Dear Jeanne,

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome you to the Executive Board of Citizens Action Coalition. I look forward to working with you.

Our bylaws require of these board meetings per year, sometimes the need arises to convene more than three times. Our meetings are scheduled on Friday evening. Minutes and agendas will be provided for you prior to the board meetings. You will need to bring them to the meetings with you as additional ones are not provided. I am enclosing a brochure which covers the various committees in our organization and their purposes. Committee meetings are generally scheduled during the day on the Friday of the board meeting. (Last week’s Monday meeting was an exception.) Emergency committee meetings are usually held on the weekend during the day.

Starting July you will receive a stipend each month of £500 to defray expenses of the board and related meetings. Expenses that go beyond the £500 may be reimbursed, but only if accompanied by Form 113 and approved by the treasury secretary.

Again, congratulations and welcome!

Sincerely yours,

    1. Why was this letter written?

INFO BARU :  contoh soal listening IELTS online section 1


54.  What should Jeanne bring to the board meetings?

55.  When would the committees normally meet?

56.   How would Jeanne get reimbursed for £600 of board related expenses?

Pertanyaan 45-48 mengacu pada artikel berikut

A survey done by the University of Tokyo for Oriental Agriculture regarding business people revealed the following: A study involving the health claims of 4.000 staff indicated that men who traveled made 60% more health claims than those who didn’t, whereas women who traveled made only 18% more claims than those who didn’t.

In a separate survey of 400 business travelers by Sarim Consultants for Asian Imports, however, it was found that women reported feeling more stress than men when they travel. Women are more concerned about personal obligations they’ve left behind (60% women; 35% men) and about work not getting done at the office (85% women; 25% men). Women also feel more pressured to perform their jobs while on the road (55% women; 44% men)

  1. Who took part in these surveys?

58.  How many people were surveyed altogether?

59.   What distinguishes male travelers from female travelers?

60.  What concerns the most women travelers?

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