Contoh soal inggris toeic/toefel listening comprehension PART 3


Contoh soal inggris toeic/toefel listening comprehension PART 3


Di bagian tes ini, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menunjukkan seberapa baik Anda memahami bahasa Inggris lisan. Ada empat bagian untuk bagian ini, dengan petunjuk khusus untuk setiap bagian.

ini audio soal nya harap belajar sambil mendengarkan audio untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris toeic/toefl

Petunjuk: Di bagian tes ini, Anda akan mendengar tiga puluh percakapan singkat Antara dua orang Percakapan tidak akan dicetak dalam buku uji Anda. Anda hanya akan mendengar percakapan satu kali, jadi Anda harus mendengarkan dengan saksama untuk mengerti Apa yang dikatakan pembicara Di buku tes Anda, Anda akan membaca pertanyaan tentang masing-masing percakapan. Pertanyaan akan diikuti dengan empat jawaban. Anda harus memilih Jawaban terbaik untuk setiap pertanyaan dan tandai di lembar jawaban Anda.



51. Where are they?

(A) At a bus stop. (B) On a train. (C) In a car. (D) At a game.

52. What does the man want?

(A) Imported magazines. (B) Two paperback books. (C) Greeting cards. (D) A
foreign car.

53. Where are they?

(A) In an engine room. (B) In an airplane. (C) In a car. (D) In a factory.

54. What is known about Paul?

(A) He can build houses. (B) He is an architect. (C) He teaches. (D) He understands

55. What is known about the new employee?

(A) He is often sick. (B) He is an asset to the company. (C) He knows the manager.
(D) He rarely returns phone calls.

56. Where are they?

(A) In an airport. (B) In a hotel. (C) In an office. (D) In a restaurant.

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57. What do these women do for a living?

(A) They are office clerks. (B) They are architects. (C) They are caterers.
(D) They are printers.

58. How did Sam get hurt?

(A) He was in the sun too long. (B) He was playing sports with friends. (C)
He tripped while walking on the beach. (D) He ran into another car.

59. Where is the key?

(A) In the closet door. (B) In the key rack. (C) Beside the water fountain.
(D) On the filing cabinet.

60. How will the correct price be determined?

(A) By calling the company. (B) By asking the sales rep. (C) By looking at
the price list. (D) By checking Anthony’s invoice.

61. What are they doing now?

(A) Swimming. (B) Hiking. (C) Bicycling. (D) Running.

62. Why is Sue upset?

(A) Someone broke into her car. (B) She had to pay too much for parking. (C)
She had an accident downtown. (D) Someone stole her concert tickets.

63. What is Emily going to do?

(A) Join a fishing club. (B) Go and eat in a restaurant. (C) Cook the swordfish.
(D) Prepare a report.

64. Why are there no labels?

(A) The labels were mailed to the wrong address. (B) They were emptied out
of the cabinet. (C) The marketing clerk forgot to order them. (D) They were
all used for a large promotion.

65. What is the man considering?

(A) Hiring a new director. (B) Investing in Shundoor. (C) Setting a new track
record. (D) Becoming a broker.

66. What are they talking about?

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(A) What to eat for lunch. (B) Whether or not to eat out. (C) The time the
delivery came. (D) The cost of the conference.

67. Where is the house located?

(A) In the city center. (B) In the downtown area. (C) In the suburbs. (D) In
a distant province.

68. What happened to Raul?

(A) He cut himself with a kitchen knife. (B) He wasn’t given any help. (C)
He hurt himself cutting paper. (D) He tripped while hurrying.

69. What is the problem?

(A) The walls need maintenance. (B) The carpeting needs to be replaced. (C)
The volume is too low. (D) The office is too noisy.

70. What is the purpose of the ads?

(A) To increase interest in engineering. (B) To expose the condition of the
sewer system. (C) To promote municipal bonds. (D) To support new bridge and
tunnel construction.

71. What is broken?

(A) The computer. (B) The air-conditioner. (C) The telephone. (D) The fax machine.

72. Where are they?

(A) In a restaurant. (B) In an automobile. (C) In a hotel. (D) In a train car.

73. What does the man want to do?

(A) Be shown about the islands. (B) Buya guide book. (C) Ride in a boat. (D)
Put up six signs.

74. What is the man interested in?

(A) The size of the warehouse. (B) The location of the conveyor belt. (C) How
many service elevators there are. (D) How big the inventory is.

75. What does the woman want?

(A) A timetable. (B) An earlier training session. (C) The express mail service.
(D) The fast train.

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76. What is Jerry’s job?

(A) He is a copier technician. (B) He is a sales representative. (C) He is
a mover. (D) He is a lecturer.

77. What is Bart concerned about?

(A) Preparing the report on time. (B) An inspection by the chairman of the
board. (C) Whether or not he can help Judith. (D) Convincing all five people
to go to the meeting.

78. What is the woman suggesting?

(A) That the man reads more. (B) That he should take his time. (C) That flying
is better. (D) That Paris is very expensive.

79. How many changes were made to win the bid?

(A) One. (B) Two. (C) Three. (D) Four.

80. Who is the man talking to?

(A) A baker’s delivery service. (B) An office supply store salesperson. (C)
A floral designer. (D) A bookstore salesperson.


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